
Open-ended Writing Assignments

Some seminary writing assignments are extremely specific. They clearly describe the content and structure of the piece, like this:

"I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth." (BCP) Write 750 words, discussing  the significance of each key word in the above statement (the first article of the Apostle's Creed). Use your textbook and class lectures as resources.

Other assignments give you the freedom (and the burden) of creating your own structure and argument. For instance:

Write 750 words, answering the following question: "Why Justice?"
This is a big question . . . it is important that your answer reflect the class content AND that it make a clear and logical case. You must do several things in order to fulfill the task at hand.
  • Try to ascertain the professor's intent, in light of course reading, lectures and discussion.
  • Create a structure that makes an argument, perhaps first defining justice, and then giving reasons for its practice.
  • Rank your reasons from weakest to strongest, being sure to weed those that are unnecessary. Start with the weakest warrant (reason), and build to the strongest.
  • Consider whether there might be arguments against the case you are making.
  • If so, fairly describe those positions, and dispute them in a reasonable way.


Where does the time go???

In the classic book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey offers many useful insights for personal and professional change. One of them is a simple, clever grid called the "Time Management Matrix," (p. 151) in which he divides tasks into those which are either "important" or "not important" and either "urgent" or "not urgent." The resulting four quadrants demonstrate the difference between a "pro-active" or a "re-active" style.
  • Quadrant 1= Urgent/Important - Operating in a constant crisis mode puts us under stress and always playing catch-up. It can cause us to put unrealistic demands on others . . .
  • **Quadrant 2= Not Urgent/Important - This is where planning, prevention, relationship building, and strategizing come in. It is where most of our time should be spent, in order to have balance, sanity, and ultimately to achieve our goals.
  • Quadrant 3= Urgent/Not Important - Reacting and responding to the priorities of others leaves us feeling like victims of someone else's crisis, and out of control. Working in this quadrant makes goals and plans seem useless.
  • Quadrant 4= Not Urgent/Not Important - This is where we sometimes turn for relief from constant crisis, or when we feels like a victim. Though it may initially seem like stress relief, these activities can feel like they are controlling us, rather than the reverse.

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